Saturday, February 17, 2018

Woodpecker Coffee, Panglima Polim, South Jakarta

If you're looking for a cozy place to have a coffee or to have your me time, maybe it's gonna be your favorite place! Kita suka bgt pergi ke coffee shop, dan kali ini, Woodpecker didn't fail us!

Lokasi Woodpecker Coffee yang kita datengin ini ada di Jl. Panglima Polim V No.23, Jakarta Selatan. Nah, di cabang ini agak kecil ya tempatnya, dan tulisan woodpeckernya ada di dalam jadi sempet bingung nyarinya. But it worked with the 'bird' kinda logo in front of the store, you know it's woodpecker when you see that logo.. haha

Coffee shop ini buka dari jam 7 pagi sampai 9 malam loh! Seneng bgt kalo pagi - pagi ngopi disini, masih sepi.

Ada ruangan smoking dan no smoking. Menurut aku smooking roomnya agak pengep gitu ya jadi aku prefer di no smoking room nya. Tempatnya cozy, although it's not big. Kalo untuk sendirian aku sukaaa.

Untuk makan dan minumannya kita pesen ini:

1. Iced Latte

I am very picky when it comes to Latte. Krn biasanya kemanapun selalu pesen Iced Latte, and every place has a different taste. Nah, aku suka bgt sih Iced Late disini, latte-nya gak menghilangkan rasa kopinya itu sendiri, somehow it just tastes good and fresh. Ukurannya cukup besar which was worth the price, and also we can control the sweetness, and it's great.

Price: Rp. 40.000
Taste: 8.5/10

2. Brownies

BEST BROWNIES EVER!!! Seriously, if you come here you should try the Brownies. It's just too good. Aku gak terlalu suka manis, but this is waaaay too good. Lapisan atas browniesnya tuh crunchy gitu tp brownies nya tuh chewy and soft, cokelatnya berasa bgt tp gak enek. It's just a perfect combo for your coffee. I love it!!!

Price: Rp. 35.000
Taste: 9/10

3. Expressed Iced Coffee

Krn es kopi susu lg hype dimana - mana, dan rasa setiap kedai atau coffee shop pasti punya ciri khas masing - masing, penasaran coba punya Woodpecker. It comes in a bottle, not a very big size, malah agak kecil menurut aku. Dan harganya agak lebih mahal dibanding es kopi susu lainnya. Rasa kopinya lebih ke asam, gak terlalu manis. Jd menurut aku not everyone's gonna enjoy it. But not bad, aku masih abisin ini. Tp bakal lebih enak kalo extra ice sih.

Price: Rp. 25.000
Taste: 7/10

So, can't wait to try another Woodpecker outlets and definitely have their brownies again!! Is it worth your visit? Of course it is!

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